Certified Network Defender (CND)
Course info - Prices, Enrollment
Certification Target Audience
The CND certification is for:
- Network Administrators
- Network security Administrators
- Network Security Engineer
- Network Defense Technicians
- CND Analyst
- Security Analyst
- Security Operator
- Anyone who involves in network operations
Exam Information
Candidate is required to pass exam 312-38 to achieve Certified Network Defender (CND) certification.
Passing Criteria:
In order to maintain the high integrity of our certifications exams, EC-Council Exams are provided in multiple forms (I.e. different question banks). Each form is carefully analyzed through beta testing with an appropriate sample group under the purview of a committee of subject matter experts that ensure that each of our exams not only have academic rigor but also have “real world” applicability. We also have a process to determine the difficulty rating of each question . The individual rating then contributes to an overall “Cut Score” for each exam form. To ensure each form has equal assessment standards, cut scores are set on a “per exam form” basis. Depending on which exam form is challenged, cut scores can range from 60% to 85%.
Clause: Age Requirements and Policies Concerning Minors
The age requirement for attending the training or the exam is restricted to any candidate that is permitted by his/her country of origin/residency.
If the candidate is under the legal age as permitted by his/her country of origin/residency, they are not eligible to attend the official training or eligible to attempt the certification exam unless they provide the accredited training center/EC-Council a written consent/indemnity of their parent/legal guardian and a supporting letter from their institution of higher learning. Only candidates from a nationally accredited institution of higher learning shall be considered.
Disclaimer: EC-Council reserves the right to impose additional restriction to comply with the policy. Failure to act in accordance with this clause shall render the authorized training center in violation of their agreement with EC-Council. EC-Council reserves the right to revoke the certification of any person in breach of this requirement.